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Cuba Libre

I've always considered myself to be fortunate and try to live my life without fear of the unknown: however, if you'd have asked me in April 2023 if I'd made the right decision to walk away from a job that I'd held for over a decade and to walk into the unknown I may have said that fear was front and centre in my mind.

If you'd then asked me to look into the future and ask myself if I'd be fortunate enough to working with a great bunch of people trying to make a difference to the people of Cuba and to get the opportunity to walk the streets of one of the most fascinating and interesting cities on the planet, I'd have said "tell them their dreaming mate". But here I was, walking around Old Habana, taking in the sound of the music, eating amazing food, watching some incredible dancing and getting the chance to photograph some incredible people and architecture. I also had the chance to visit the area around Habana, to visit Cardenas, Matanzas and Varadero for work. What made those visits so special was listening to an audio book describing the history of Cuba, particularly Cardenas and Matanzas, with some terrible stories of the slave trade, and what the revolutionaries of that time had to go through. I am not going to get into politics, but I will say that the history of Cuba has been one of occupation, hardship and revolution. So, to be able to meet so many wonderful people and get to know the history of the place a bit more was a great privilege and I hope I get the chance to go back.

Follow the links below to see some images from the trip.



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