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Made another sale!

A good day today, delivered an A2 print of my shot of the Island off the coast of Island Bay (Tapu te Ranga) in Wellington, with the Milky Way rising above it. This is the second sale I've made of this print.

This shot was planned using PhotoPills on my iPhone to know exactly where and when the core of the Milky Way would be in the night sky on the night of the 9th June 2018.

The picture is actually a combination of nine photographs taken at midnight on the foreshore of Island Bay.

Each shot was taken with Samsung NX1 and NX 16mm f 2.4 lens at F3.2, 20". ISO 3200, 0.0 EV.

I then processed the photos in Lightroom and combined them using Microsoft ICE.

Really pleased with the end result, in that you can see the core of the Milky Way really clearly, the Island and the Interislander ferry going behind the island at the same time as a plane is coming to land at Wellington Ariport!

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